Wednesday, August 16, 2017

No Shadows

If life continually gets you down, it’s time to move out of the dark shadows and into the bright attitude of a life worth living. It’s time to regain positive control.  

August’s Awakening, Day 16

The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude you put in it.

 —Author Unknown

Nothing is miserable but what is thought so, and contrariwise, every estate is happy if he that bears it be content.


Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.

 —Helen Keller 


Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Proverbs 4:25 NIV   


So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV 


            Fix your gaze ever before you while constantly moving into the light. If you live in the dark and constantly in the shadows, your attitude and demeanor will surely be negatively affected. You must take control of your attitude to make life the best it can be. If life controls you, your attitude will respond accordingly. It is a mental and emotional choice that we must make each day and there are physical and spiritual consequences as well. If your attitude is awry, your whole well-being will suffer. Choose this day and every day to wear the proper attitude and live each moment as such. Life is what you make it, and your attitude steers the course.

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