Monday, November 7, 2016

Your Ever-Present Help in Time of Need

When life is getting the best of you, solace is found through the best of Him.

November’s Awakening, Day 7

God’s Emergency Numbers

When in sorrow - call John 14

When you are lonely or fearful - call Psalm 23

When you want to be fruitful - call John 15

When you have sinned - call Psalm 51

When you grow bitter and critical - call 1 Corinthians 13

When you worry - call Matthew 6:19–34

When you feel down and out - call Romans 8:31–39

When your prayers grow selfish - call Psalm 67

When you are in danger - call Psalm 91

When your faith needs stirring - call Hebrews 11

When God seems far away - call Psalm 139

When others fail you - call Psalm 27

When you leave home to labor or travel - call Psalm 121

When you want assurance - call Romans 1:1–30

For Paul's secret of happiness - call Colossians 3:12–17

For Paul's idea of Christianity -  call 2 Corinthians 5:15–20

When the world seems bigger than God - call Psalm 70 and Jeremiah 33:3

If you believe in Jesus Christ call Him up

 —Author Unknown

            The more you open the treasure chest, the more treasure you’ll discover within. Let His Word renew your heart, restore your spirit, and revive your soul. There’s no better place to find Him.

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