Friday, November 18, 2016

Faith for Your Past, Present, and Future

Faith looks up, to free you from your past, to love you where you’re at, and to give you His blessed hope for tomorrow.

November’s Awakening, Day 18

Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence.

 —Augustine of Hippo

Regret looks back.

Worry looks around.

Faith looks up.

 —John  Mason

            When you reflect upon your past mistakes, faith in His mercy and forgiveness allows you to learn and mature without condemnation. Regret may motivate you to avoid the same mistakes, but sometimes it can keep you in bondage to your past and never allow you to break free from its chains. Faith freely forgives and lets you acknowledge your errors and move on.

            In the chaos of each day, we are often overwhelmed by stress and the busyness of life. We can be overtaken by the worries and the concerns that each day brings or we can choose the way of faith, trusting in His love and His promises for us. Instead of the anarchy of worry, faith gives us His confident assurance that He is in control and has you by His hand.

            Tomorrow will be a bright new day, if we trust and know without a doubt that He will be there too, providing us with every good thing. Faith brings hope for tomorrow instead of only dismal despair. Faith is the unseverable cord that threads together His peace for our past, His assurance for today, and His hope of providence for tomorrow. Faith always looks up.

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