Thursday, November 10, 2016

Faith While Surviving Reality

It takes a deep and mature faith to balance our expectations of God with the reality of what God actually delivers.

November’s Awakening, Day 10

God allows hardship in our lives so that our beliefs—those handholds of faith in a troubled world—will became more and more real to us and less and less theory.

 Greg Laurie

Anyone who has believed God to be miraculous, and prayed earnestly for a miracle, understands the complexities of living a life of faith while surviving the context of reality.

 Christine Trevino, “Experience Christmas”

            We are fallen human beings living in a fallen world, trying to survive the realities of this existence, all-the-while attempting to be positive in the knowledge that it is all just for a time and a season. A complex balancing act indeed, yet essential to our Christian life. We must continue to believe that God will supply all our needs and provide necessary miracles along the way, too. But our perception of our needs and what constitutes the miraculous is different than that of God’s perfect understanding. We see only in part, and that dimly, skewed and tainted by sin, but He sees and knows precisely and in unbiased clarity the truth of what is needed and required. That is why sometimes our expectations of God don’t seem to match the outcome in this reality. It takes faith to believe, trust, and know assuredly, that God certainly has delivered whatever was appropriate and at the allotted time. That is our faith reality.

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