Have you
come full circle, knowing now how to get life right, or are you still wandering
aimlessly on your journey without a clue?
November’s Awakening, Day 30
We know we’re
coming full circle with God when we stand at a very similar crossroad where we
made such a mess of life before, but this time we take a different road.
Moore, “Believing God”
We trust,
instead, in the power of God and the strength of the Holy Spirit and know that
our lives have meaning and power and eternality because God’s Spirit is greater
than the spirit of this world.
—Beverly J. Van Kampen and Margery A. Lembke, “The
GodSense Journey: Exploring Sacred Pathways”
We are not here by chance nor are our
lives meaningless, but we have eternal purpose and essential effects in our
impact in other’s lives and this world in which we live. You have a reason for
being. God planned to use you powerfully from the very beginning and it is up
to you to walk down His road. Each crossroad brings a new opportunity to hear
his still small voice and follow in the way you should go. Each obstacle is another
chance to overcome where you’ve succumbed before. Each battle of resistance
opens a new door to victory. It’s a new tomorrow with a new determination to
get it right. It’s time to come full circle—wrong choices become right,
pessimism becomes optimism, despair becomes hope, weakness becomes strength,
failure becomes victory, and quitting becomes perseverance to the very end. Faith
and trust coming into maturity, coming into the fullness of His power, coming
full circle from our limitedness to His infinite—that’s His plan and that’s His
empowerment in us.