Bad company can corrupt. Everyone can
be an acquaintance, a valuable person that God loves, but choose your friends
Awakening, Day 27
Character is made by many acts; it may
be lost by a single one.
—Author Unknown
Character may be manifested in the
great moments, but it is made in the small ones.
—Phillip Brooks
not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1
Corinthians 15:33 NIV
Just like trust, it takes much time
and effort to build noble character, but it can be lost in a split second of
mental lapse or the association with those less reputable. Care must always be
taken in choosing who you are with, where you are at, and what everyone is
saying and doing. If you keep those solid basic principles in mind and always
have very strong boundaries and the resolve to keep those boundaries, you will
do well in preventing a regrettable event. You must always exercise common
sense and good judgment. If particular situations do not feel comfortable, then
do everything in your power to remove yourself from them. You may politely
explain your view of the situation or even a forceful reprimand if required to
those you are with. Whatever it takes, your good character is on the line.
Guilty by association until proven otherwise is a difficult position to be in
and your respectability and honorability may never be the same.
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