Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pure Thoughts, a Peaceful Heart, Bring Noble Words

Words come out of the wellspring of your heart. Focus on pure thoughts, a peaceful heart with no ill will, and let His Spirit direct your speech. It takes practice daily to stay in the right frame of reference.

July's Message, Day 27:

Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceitfully. With their mouths they all speak cordially to their neighbors, but in their hearts they set traps for them. Jeremiah 9:8 NIV

Here we see again, that it's more than what we speak, it's about what is in our hearts and minds. We can let the negativity come out like a deadly arrow and speak poison and lies, or maybe even worse, we can speak cordially, yet harbor ill will and let it fester and boil deep within us. The cure must begin in our hearts and in our minds, by striving to continually think noble and pure thoughts and have the, "love your neighbor as yourself," attitude. No, not easy, but we need to practice that every day. To tame the tongue and cleanse the mind and have a tranquil heart takes lots of effort. Let His Spirit direct your thoughts and words and bring peace to your heart. 

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