Monday, September 26, 2016

Christ Is Truth – Interim Post 7

The highest conceivable state of spirituality is produced by a concentration of all the powers and passions of the soul upon the person of Christ.

 -C. H. Spurgeon

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.

 -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everyone may be entitled to his own opinion but everyone is not entitled to his own truth. Truth is but one.

 -Doug Groothius

            There is no higher level or state of spirituality that we can attain than that which entails our spirit entwining with the Spirit of our Creator. Thankfully, Christ our Savior, has torn the veil in two, allowing us to freely enter into His presence directly and learn the mysteries of life as we experience Him. That door to Him is always open, but to fully realize that state of supreme spirituality requires that we enter into His presence frequently, if not continually. That’s how we become the ultimate in spiritual maturity.

            When we’re in His presence we are also in the Truth. We can think what we may and we may have “learned” it from reputable sources, but those qualities do not always define the truth. God has certainly set boundaries and standards and absolute truths, both for us and all creation. If the “laws of physics” were whimsical we would live in a very troubled world, indeed, if we could even exist at all. Embrace Him, embrace the Truth.

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