Aim high. Mature with grace. Separate
self from sin. When self is all but gone and all that’s left is Him—you’ve
Awakening, Day 28
The fact that perfection is beyond our
reach, should not diminish the fervor of our desire after it.
—C. H. Spurgeon
Perfection is achieved, not when there
is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The only way to perfection is, to live
in the presence of God.
—Thomas Wilson
perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew
5:48 NIV
though true perfection in holiness is impossible in this earthly existence, we
are instructed by God’s Word to continually walk in the Spirit of holiness in
our new creation in Christ. We must aim for perfection for we will always fall
way short of the mark. If we simply aim for mediocrity, even that will escape
us. Maturity in ever-increasing holiness is a great goal to strive for and work
for till the day Christ brings us home. Remember the key that holiness is
“wholly otherness,” such that it is a separation of our body, soul, and spirit
from everything contrary to God. Avoid and refrain from the sin that so easily
ensnares and entangles us and chains us down to prevent us from winning the
race. And yes, perfection truly has arrived when it’s more of Him and less of
you to the point where self has all but disappeared.
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