Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Authoritative Teacher and Miraculous Healer

Authoritative teaching and miraculous healing while proclaiming the good news of the kingdom accompanied Jesus wherever He went. He was no ordinary man.

January’s Awakening, Day 4

I tell the Hindus that their lives will be imperfect if they do not also study reverently the teaching of Jesus.


[Jesus is] our divinest symbol. Higher has the human thought not yet reached. A symbol of quite perennial, infinite character; whose significance will ever demand to be anew inquired into, and anew made manifest.

 —Thomas Carlyle

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Matthew 9:35 NIV

The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Mark 1:22 NIV 

            Jesus taught as one with authority because He was the Authority. The Living Word was teaching the Written Word, which had already been conceived in His mind before the Word had been penned and even before the beginning of time. As Jesus proclaimed that the kingdom was at hand He provided tangible proof by casting out demons, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, mobility for the lame, feeding the thousands, calming the sea, raising the dead, forgiving sins, and brought eternal hope for the broken. Signs, wonders, and miracles were the norm that accompanied His teaching. No, not an ordinary teacher; no, not an ordinary man. Crucified, three days dead, and resurrected to life, seen, touched and experienced by many, and then ascended into heaven, witnessed by many—positive proof that He was who He claimed to be. One with the Father, God had come.

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