Saturday, January 7, 2017

Lord and Best Friend

Jesus is our Lord, Savior, and Best Friend, sparing nothing for our benefit, not even His life.

January’s Awakening, Day 7

Situations will not cloud my vision from seeing the clarity of God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

 —Alex Uwajeh, “The Power of Positive Affirmations”

When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety.

 A. W. Tozer 

If we are to be just like Jesus, we must have regular time of talking to God and listening to his Word.

 Max Lucado   

            The unique characteristic of our God, especially in the person of Jesus Christ, that distinguishes Him from all other pagan deities is that He is a personal God acting as our best friend. He is not there to condemn or control or coerce or to use or abuse or cause us to sin, but to be as a best friend to empower, encourage, uphold, and uplift us to the highest level and hope in Him. He is the true pathway to heaven; our road of hope here, our trail to find peace, and in our journey through life He is there as our Lord, Savior, and Best Friend who has spared nothing to bring us closer to Him.

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