There’s only one place you need to
look to find precisely all the answers to what you’re looking for.
Awakening, Day 28
As the centuries pass the evidence is
accumulating that, measured by His effect on history, Jesus is the most
influential life ever lived on this planet.
—Kenneth Scott Latourette
Christ alone has succeeded in so
raising the mind of man towards the unseen that it become insensible to the
barriers of time and space.
his life Christ is an example, showing us how to live;
his death he is a sacrifice, satisfying for our sins;
his resurrection, a conqueror;
his ascension, a king;
his intercession, a high priest.
—Martin Luther
will always be the most influential life to ever walk this planet and
throughout the entire universe itself. He alone, beginning with a handful of
individuals, has managed to bring about revolutionary transformations in the
hearts and minds of all who would listen. He has brought about radical changes
in our thought patterns about who our God is and equally unique ideas about who
we are and why we’re here. Revolutionary, radical, innovative—everything about
the teachings of Jesus and the upside-down kingdom of God falls into these
categories. Why would you settle for and be satisfied with anything less? If
you’re still searching for answers to the profound mysteries of life, then He’s
the place to look.
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