Sunday, October 16, 2016

Your Perception of God Is Critical

Your perception and understanding of the true God of the Bible determines everything.

October’s Awakening, Day 16:

In life, behavior follows belief. Everything we do is directly connected to what we believe is true.

 -John Stange, “Overcoming Negative Self-Talk: with the truth of the Gospel”  

Doctrine matters. What you believe about God, the gospel, the nature of man, and every major truth addressed in Scripture filters down to every area of your life. You and I will never rise above our view of God and our understanding of His Word.

 -John MacArthur

There's a God we want and there's a God who is and they are not the same God. The turning point comes when we stop seeking the God we want and start seeking the God who is.

 -Patrick Morley

            The bottom line question is this: “Who is the God in your mind?” Is He the God whose character and attributes are clearly delineated in the Scriptures from Genesis through Revelation? Or is your God the god of your own choosing, one who fits well into your nice, tidy box of characteristics and attributes that are most conducive to you and your personal ideology? There is nothing more critical and essential as that complete and perfect knowledge of God in your mind; everything filters down from that perception, knowledge, and understanding.

            So how does one come to know the One, True God? There is only one perfect way; reading, studying, and meditating on the entire Word of God from Genesis through Revelation, allowing all the way to be illuminated and instructed by the Holy Spirit. Knowledge from human teachers and other reliable sources can be extremely valuable, but yet, in the end, it is up to you to test all information against the Word of God. Humans are fallible, God is not.

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