Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Illumination and Cooperation

If we cooperate, He will illuminate, both in our understanding of the Word and in our spiritual transformation.

October’s Awakening, Day 26:

If you do not understand a book by a departed writer you are unable to ask him his meaning, but the Spirit, who inspired Holy Scripture, lives forever, and He delights to open the Word to those who seek His instruction.

 -Charles Spurgeon

A man's readiness and commitment are not enough if he does not enjoy help from above as well; equally help from above is no benefit to us unless there is also commitment and readiness on our part. Thus I entreat you neither to entrust everything to God and then fall asleep, nor to think, when you are striving diligently, that you will achieve everything by your own efforts.

 -John Chrysostom

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13 NIV

            It is fortunate that as believers, we have the Holy Spirit within us to both illuminate the Word of God to better understand its deep meanings, and for the opportunity to allow Him to transform us toward spiritual maturity. Cooperation is the key. The Spirit of God will quicken our spirit and instruct and lead us, but we must actively listen and follow. We cannot do it in our own strength nor will the Holy Spirit forcibly act upon us. Our free-will must surrender to Him, or we will never completely understand His Word nor become spiritually mature. Is your spirit ready to submit and surrender to Him, or are you kicking against the goads?

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