The only hands that can pull you
through are the two scarred hands of the One who’s gone before you.
Awakening, Day 21
At Calvary we see what sin deserves
and what God requires. Calvary was too terrible to be optional, the suffering
involved too enormous to be unnecessary, and the Sufferer too precious to his
Father to have been given over needlessly to such pain.
—Peter Lewis
Christ endured every kind of suffering
in all those who foreshadowed him. In Abel he was slain, in Isaac bound, in
Jacob exiled, in Joseph sold, in Moses exposed to die. He was sacrificed in the
passover lamb, persecuted in David, dishonored in the prophets.
—Melito of Sardis
The trouble
is, people do not know that Christ is a Deliverer. They forget that the Son of
God came to keep them from sin as well as to forgive it.
—D. L. Moody
Surely it was for my benefit that I
suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction;
you have put all my sins behind your back. Isaiah 38:17 NIV
then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be
rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that
he must be killed and after three days rise again. Mark 8:31
if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if
indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Romans
8:17 NIV
On the hill outside Jerusalem, the
place of the skull, Golgotha in the Greek and Calvary in the Latin, Christ’s
suffering was complete. In His life and in those final hours, He truly carried
upon Himself all the sin, pain, suffering, sorrow, and shame of all those who
came before Him and all those who would come after. He was no stranger to the
rigors and difficulties of human life, and He experienced in full the worst of
everything that we would face. He did it for you and me. He did it because of
His unconditional love. He did it because there was no other possible way to
mend our relationship back together with God. You can freely call upon His name
because He truly knows what you’re going through—He’s been there and overcame
it all for you. There is no condemnation in Christ—just His love and
understanding and His two scarred hands reaching out to pull you through.
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