Sunday, April 30, 2017

Discerning the Presence of Evil

Evil’s influence can be lurking in the places where you’d least expect it. Will you be able to recognize it?

April’s Awakening, Day 30

The fiend chooses for his most furious attacks the times when we feel most unable to pray.

 —Nilus Sorsky 

Some years ago in China, at a meeting of missionaries and Chinese pastors, one of the Chinese pastors made a striking address. He said that he and his brethren were more than grateful to those who brought them the word of life and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, but yet, he said, there was one thing more which missionaries should teach their spiritual children. This new thing was to pray with authority, so that they might know how to take their stand in faith before the throne and rebuke the forces of evil, holding steady and firm, and gain the victory over them. That same need is tremendously evident today in the experiences of all that are seeking to walk closely with the Lord, and to stand for Him in the face of increasing opposition. Some have spoken of this as “throne prayer”—praying with one’s hand touching the throne of God.

 —T. Stanley Soltau 

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Matthew 16:21–23 NIV 

            Spiritual oppression can come at us from any direction and in any number of ways—including emanating from those close to us. It is critical to remember that while no demonic spirit can possess a believer (since all believers already have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them), demonic influence from the world is ever present and can influence our thoughts, words, and actions. We must constantly be spiritually aware and in tune with God, and be sensitive to that still, small voice of the Divine Whisper, the Holy Spirit, to guide us. As we become more spiritually in tune with Him, we will become more spiritually discerning.

            Also keep in mind that no demonic spirit can know your thoughts, only God can do that. Nor can any spirit be everywhere at once, but also know that all the fallen angels have significant power, abilities, and intelligence, and they have had thousands of years to accumulate that knowledge. Satan cannot read your mind but he can surely hear everything you’ve said and see everything you’ve done, even in secret, and he has a whole host of demonic spirits under his command (as one-third of all the angels fell and rebelled with Lucifer). We also know from Scripture that although they are spirit beings, angels can, on occasion, take a human-like form and speak directly to us. The most important thing to remember in spiritual warfare is to pray aloud. God can hear your silent pray but the forces of evil cannot. Your spoken words have power to transcend into the heavenly realm, just as the light shining forth from a star millions of light-years from us is still visible. Spoken words are your weapon and God’s Word is supreme. 

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