Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spiritually Wise

Are you spiritually wise? Are you asking God for His wisdom? Are you displaying the godly fruit of wisdom? Are you aware of and discerning the invisible and deep spiritual truths all around you? Do you have and continually walk in the mind of Christ?

March’s Awakening, Day 26

A man may be theologically knowing and spiritually ignorant.

 —Stephen Charnock

Believers who have most knowledge, are not therefore necessarily the most spiritual.

 —John Newton  

Lord, teach me to know Thee, and to know myself.

 —Augustine of Hippo 

Modern mankind can go anywhere, do everything and be completely curious about the universe. But only a rare person now and then is curious enough to want to know God.

 —A. W. Tozer   

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. James 1:5–8 NIV 

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:13–18 NIV 

What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:12–16 NIV 

            Intelligence, knowledge, theological knowledge, and worldly wisdom do not by themselves bring spiritual wisdom. It is helpful to have access to all of that, but true spiritual wisdom can only be obtained by being in the presence of the One who has it. True spiritual wisdom is obtained directly by praying and asking God, meditating on His Word, and being frequently in His presence through adoration and praise and thanksgiving. Gaining spiritual wisdom requires a close connection with God. Nothing is more important. Seek it at all cost.

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