Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Manifesting Simplicity in Your Life

High maintenance or simplicity? Which lifestyle describes you? Anxiety, worry, and stress or a calm peace and freedom—your choices make a difference.

June’s Awakening, Day 13

Ten principles for the outward expression of simplicity:

1.     Purchase items for their usefulness rather than their status. Base your purchases on practicality, functionality, and need.

2.     Reject anything that may produce a compulsion of excess in your life and keep you in bondage. This would include any purchases that may enable an obsession or addiction or anything that is difficult for you to control or say no to. You may need professional help to assist you in these matters.  

3.     Develop a healthy habit of giving things away. Do not accumulate unnecessary things and do not become too attached to any one thing. Declutter and decrease everything but essentials.

4.     Refuse to be propagandized by the custodians of modern gadgetry. It will wear out and rarely do these devices ever save us time. Technology sometimes takes up more of our time rather than freeing us. You must be wise in these areas.

5.     Do not be obsessed with owning everything. Learn to utilize things by borrowing, sharing, or having friends help or hire help. Control is an illusion and deceptive. Here is the general formula to remember: Possessions=Maintenance=Bondage in time and money.

6.     Develop a deeper appreciation for God’s creation, get closer to nature, and more agrarian. Having even a small garden is a lot of work, but the benefits can be tremendous in many respects. Obviously, those who live in rural areas will have a much easier time accomplishing this.

7.     Avoid buying on credit as much as possible. Spend only what you have and make sure plans are in place for saving, emergencies, and getting out of debt. Smart money management is key in controlling stress, worry, and anxiety. You may need professional help here too.

8.     Make honesty and integrity the distinguishing characteristics of your speech and actions. Let yes be yes and no be no, without ambiguity or being political. Keeping your mind clear brings an inner peace.

9.     Reject the purchase of anything that would breed the oppression of others, such as forced labor or child labor or any unhealthy working conditions. Let your purchases and support reflect the highest of ethics.

10.  Shun anything that distracts you from seeking first the kingdom of God. This could include possessions, a job, a position or title, status, unhealthy relationships—anything that vies to take first place in your life besides God.   

            As you can see, many of these simplicity principles we can all easily incorporate into our lives. It takes an attitude adjustment and a heartfelt determination, but benefits can be reaped not only spiritually, but also mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s time to get simple.

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