Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Sample Warfare Prayer

Here is just one sample prayer showing how these various parts may be put together in a warfare prayer.

May’s Awakening, Day 2

            Most gracious and merciful Heavenly Father, Maker of heaven and earth, Lord, we come humbly before You today to bring honor and glory to Your most holy name. We worship and praise You with all that is in us for who You are and for Your great name. Only You are worthy of all thanksgiving and praise. May our words be pleasing and a sweet incense to You as we lift up our hearts in prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, we exalt You in this place and worship You at the foot of the Cross where You took our sin forever away and brought us into everlasting life with You. By Your blood we have been made clean, alive, and new. Lord, we magnify You and thank You for Your sacrifice on the Cross, and to You and You alone be the victory over sin, and death, and the evil one. Glory be to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Holy Spirit come. Come and fill us with Your Divine Presence and fill this place such that no evil can enter or be in Your holy Presence. Holy Spirit come. We surrender our hearts and minds to You. Empower us to be as You desire and guide us in every thought, word, and deed. Mold us into Christ’s perfect image. May Your will be done in our lives and done here this day.

            Satan, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by His authority and the full authority that He has given us through His Written Word, we command you and all the evil spirits with you to cease and desist in all your activity concerning us in this our realm where the Holy Spirit has rule. By His authority we cancel, revoke, and rebuke all the evil influence concerning us in this our realm and we command you and all your entourage to flee these premises immediately. Furthermore, we pray protection over ourselves and each individual near and dear to our hearts by the saving blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit residing within us. You have no power, authority, or influence here, Satan, and we command you to be gone with all your demons and not return. God’s Written Word and Christ, the Living Word, are eternal and we put all our faith and trust in Him who was, and is, and is to come. We smash every stronghold, obstacle, and word of oppression that you, Satan, have brought against us and we claim victory over all by the Word of God and the Living Word within us. We are forgiven and free and heirs of the King and no weapon formed against us shall prosper. It is not by our might, nor by our power, but by the almighty Spirit of the Lord that we are new creations in Christ and shall not be discouraged, dismayed, or thwarted in any task or good thing that God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will has already set before us. Furthermore, in the name of Jesus, we pray for a continual, impenetrable barrier, a hedge of protection, to surround us, all that is ours, and all our loved ones we pray for. We ask our guardian angels to always be near us and do battle for us. Be gone evil. Holiness rules here.

            Holy Spirit, once more we implore You to continually fill us with Your Presence and continually transform, shape, and make us into Your holy image. We surrender ourselves fully in obedience to You in every thought and word and deed. Only You, Lord Jesus, are worthy, holy, and the Lord of lords and King of kings. Hear our prayer and ever protect us from the onslaught of evil. To You be all the glory, all the honor, all the thanksgiving, and all the praise. In Your holy and precious name, in the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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