"Restore My Spirit, O God" -
2 of the "Renew Devotional Trilogy"; "Restore My Spirit, O God -
Inspiration for Regaining What's Been Lost," will officially begin Saturday,
October 1, 2016. The format will be similar, but slightly different from
"Renew My Heart, O God," with a concentration on quotations, a few
Scriptures, and encouraging words to awaken your spirit to connect and stay connected with God. I will be posting daily
with its completion at the end of September next year.
pray that these devotions will continue to encourage you and bring you
increasing hope and healing, and allow you to continually draw near unto God
with your spirit entwining with His. It's time to connect with your Creator.
It's time for your spirit's awakening.
and blessings,
Book 1: "Renew My Heart, O God - Daily Devotions for Healing Your Heart," is coming soon!! By the grace of God and prayers of the faithful, my book and e-book will soon be here! Christian Faith Publishing has accepted my book and we will begin the publishing process soon. We expect this to take about 4-6 months. Thank you readers for your prayers and support and spread the word, as my heart's desire is to bring God's Words and the light and love of Jesus Christ to as many as He would bring. And Book 2 in my "Renew Devotional Trilogy," "Restore My Spirit, O God - Inspiration for Regaining What's Been Lost," is starting in just two days! I am truly excited, humbled, and praising God all the way!